Easy Toddler Hairstyles for Growing Out Bangs Videos
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I am a CREATURE OF HABIT. I eat two eggs for breakfast every morning, I always curl my hair, and I have about a dozen striped navy and white shirts. One day I realized that I was doing Tiny's hair EXACTLY the same every day. I pulled it into a half up side pony and we were good to go for the day. Not only was it an easy toddler hairstyle, it only takes about 30 seconds, which is already an ETERNITY for a toddler who wants to run off and play.
I decided I was going to start trying a different hairstyle every day to expand my very limited hair horizons. I thought I'd share with you a few of the hairstyles I came up with for Tiny in case you struggle with finding ways to do your toddler's hair as well! Just for reference I used these elastics and I LOVE them!!
*Please Note* These pictures were taken with a horrible camera and many are saturated making her head look very red. She was never in any pain and she enjoyed every minute of this because she got to watch her favorite show on my phone! (Which is why she's looking down the entire time :))
1. Simple Bow
This one doesn't even need any direction, you pin back the hair to one side with a bow. Ta-dah! This darling bow is from Baby B Bows. Make sure you check them out on etsy.
2. Half-up Side Pony
This is my everyday go to!
- Start by wetting the hair (wet hair is easier to work with because you can get all of those little wispy hairs tied back with the rest! I don't list this step for every hair style, but I ALWAYS START with wet hair!!!!!)
- Part the hair on one side and pull together in the middle of the opposite side of the head.
- Secure with an elastic.
This hairstyle is even cuter with a bow!
3. Topsy Turvy Half-up Side Pony
- Part the hair on one side and pull together in the middle of the opposite side of the head.
- Secure with an elastic.
- Feed the hair from the pony tail underneath and through itself. Pull it out the other end all the way until the ponytail looks upsidedown. You can find an inexpensive tool on Amazon that makes this step super easy! These combs work great too!
4. Single Tie
This one is also an extremely simple toddler hairstyle. Simple and cute, yet those pesky bangs won't be in their face all day long.
- Take a small amount of hair front the front of the forehead in the center and secure it off to the side with an elastic.
5. Double Tie
This is an extension of the Single Tie, but it makes it a little more fancy and gets more hair out of the face.
- Take a small amount of hair front the front of the forehead in the center and secure it off to the side with an elastic.
- Take another section of hair front just behind the first and pull it together with the hair coming out of the first elastic. Secure both together with another elastic.
6. Triple Tie
You guessed it! This is just an extension of the last two. Plus a bow, of course!
- Take a small amount of hair front the front of the forehead in the center and secure it off to the side with an elastic.
- Take another section of hair front just behind the first and pull it together with the hair coming out of the first elastic. Secure both together with another elastic.
- Do this a third time with an even larger section of hair from behind the second elastic. Securing All three together now with one elastic at the back.
7. Triple Combination
This one is fun and looks intricate, but is actually quite simple.
- Divide the hair into two square sections down the center of their head.
- Secure each section with an elastic. (I prefer to start with the back because Tiny's hair falls forward and gets in the way)
- Now pull both of the ponies together along with another section of hair just below those two ponies, about the same size in length.
- Secure the new section and both of the ponies together with an elastic.
This style looks great with a bow as well!
8. Topsy Turvy Triple Combination
This style is similar to the Triple Combination, but you'll flip the last pony underneath itself.
- Divide the hair into two square sections down the center of their head.
- Secure each section with an elastic. (I prefer to start with the back because Tiny's hair falls forward and gets in the way)
- Now pull both of the ponies together along with another section of hair just below those two ponies, about the same size in length.
- Secure the new section and both of the ponies together with an elastic.
- Pull the hair from this last pony underneath and through itself. You can find a handy dandy tool to help with this step on Amazon.
9. Front Twist
This one is popular on teens and adults, but is usually secured with a bobby pin… which wouldn't work on a toddler for obvious reasons!!
- Start by taking a small piece of hair from the front and start twisting.
- Continue adding hair as you twist to the side and back.
- Grab a small amount of hair that is NOT going to get added into the twist. Instead, use this piece of hair as an anchor for the twist.
- Secure them together with the elastic.
I like adding a bow to this one as well… Gosh, I'm starting to think I have a bow addiction… nah! This gorgeous bow is also from Baby B Bows!
10. Front Braid
Most Infants/Toddlers won't have enough hair for a full braid or two french braids, but you won't need much hair for this cute front braid.
- Grab a small section of hair at the front from one side.h an
- Braid it together and continue to the side and back while adding in hair.
- Secure with an elastic.
11. Half-up Double Pig Tails
We all know how it goes when you try to put a toddler's hair in pig tails, you've got wisps coming out of every end in less than an hour. So this will keep them in without the hassle of re-doing it all day long!
- Separate the hair down the middle of their head.
- Take a small section from the front of one side (if the back is getting in the way feel free to clip it back)
- Then take a larger section behind the front pony starting by the ear and ending at the part down the middle. Secure this section together with the front pony in an elastic
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other side of the part.
12. Full Triple Pig Tails
This is a good one for if you want ALL of their hair up and out of the way. Especially if you're headed to the park, the beach, or to the swimming pool!
- Separate the hair down the middle of their head.
- Take a small section from the front of one side (if the back is getting in the way feel free to clip it back)
- Then take a larger section behind the front pony starting by the ear and ending at the part down the middle. Secure this section together with the front pony in an elastic
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other side of the part.
- Part the hair the rest of the way down the back of the head.
- Gather the hair from one side and the hair sticking out of the pig tail and pull it into one pig tail. Secure with an elastic.
- Repeat step 6 for the other side.
We hope you have fun with these!
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Source: https://dirtydishesmessykisses.com/2017/11/07/12-must-have-easy-toddler-hairstyles-in-two-minutes-or-less/
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